Match your brand

Change the color and text of the widget, or parts of the widget, so it matches your brand

Contact Button

Change the color and text of the contact button

Title bar text

Change the title bars to reference your brand or team names.

Avatars and Logos

Change the logo of the Chat and Answer Bot Avatar to yours.

Show only what you need

Hide specific Zendesk channels or features.
Show multiple channels at once.

Hide Channels

Don't want to show Guide search on an FAQ Page? Only want to show Chat on your Checkout page?

Show Contact Options

Enable a channel picker that offers users a choice between Chat, Talk, Forms.

Hide features

Remove a subject field. Hide Departments. Remove the option to view guide articles in a new tab.

Make it smart

Make the widget context aware by filtering what's shown,
or prefilling it based on the current user or page.

Prefill Form Fields

Fill in a productfield, serial number or country automatically based on customer actions.

Filter search results

Want to restrict Help Center articles to the products or topics your customer is looking at?

Preselect forms and departments

Preselect your sales team on the checkout page Chat, and customer care's webform on your support pages.

How does it work?


Play around with the configuration options until you like your setup.

Copy the code

The tool generates the javascript code you need to customize your widget.

Add to your website

Paste the code into the head part of your website.

  More features  

This tool offers customizations and configuration options for any Zendesk channel available in the Zendesk widget

Generates code for you

No need to know code. Just copy and paste the code to your website.

Live preview

Test your configuration and see changes live on your Zendesk Widget.

Code samples

We also include a library of javascript actions to show/hide the widget, prefill the logged in user,...

Zendesk Support

Hide forms, prevent attachments, skip Guide search

Zendesk Guide

Preload suggested articles, filter search results to a specific category or label.

Chat & Answer Bot

Give your Chat Concierge and Answer Bot a custom name and icon to closely match your brand.


Translate the widget in any language. Or use our code samples to make it follow your Help center or website's locale.


Move the widget to the left, right, top or bottom of the screen, or nudge it over a few pixels to prevent overlapping other interface elements